Assembly Oversight, Reform, and Federal Relations Committee #
Committees do not have individuals websites. Membership and schedule can be found on the Assembly Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“Each standing reference committee, within its subject area, is authorized to:
- “a. consider and report bills and resolutions referred to it. Bills and resolutions may be reported to the General Assembly with or without amendments, or by committee substitute;
- “b. determine whether laws and programs are effective and implemented in accordance with the intent of the Legislature by –
- “(1) conducting investigations and studies of public entities responsible for the application, administration and execution of the laws and programs;
- “(2) meeting with public officials and citizens responsible for or involved with the application, administration and execution of the laws and programs;
- “(3) reviewing books, papers, documents, records and other data pertaining to the application, administration and execution of laws and programs;
- “(4) holding public hearings;
- “(5) issuing reports; and
- “(6) making recommendations to the General Assembly as the committee deems appropriate; and
- “(1) conducting investigations and studies of public entities responsible for the application, administration and execution of the laws and programs;
“c. perform other duties as the Speaker or the General Assembly may direct” (Rules of the General Assembly, 10.5, 2022-2023).
Legislative Services Commission #
Commissions do not have individual websites. Overview and committee members can be found on the Legislative Commissions page.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It is the duty and responsibility of the commission:
“(1) To carry on the work of continuous revision of the general and permanent statute law of the State, by causing to be conducted a continuous examination thereof and of the judicial decisions construing the same, and by causing to be prepared and to be submitted to the Legislature for its action thereon from time to time legislative bills designed to revise such portions of the general and permanent statute law as in the judgment of the commission may be necessary to remedy defects therein, to accomplish improvement thereof and to maintain the same in revised, consolidated and simplified form under the general plan and classification of the Revised Statutes;
“(2) To provide accurate budgetary, fiscal and program performance, evaluation and analysis, legal assistance, information and advice and informatory and research services to the standing reference, joint and special legislative committees and commissions and to the officers and members of the Legislature;
“(3) To study the methods, practices and procedures employed by the Legislature and from time to time make such recommendations for their improvement and modernization as the commission shall deem desirable;
“(4) Through the Office of Legislative Services to plan, provide for and coordinate administrative, housekeeping and other general services on behalf of the Legislature in the areas of purchasing, data processing, facilities, public educational programs and legislative district offices in accordance with the joint rules governing the operation of the district offices” (NJ Rev Stat § 52:11-57 (2019)).
Senate Legislative Oversight Committee #
Committees do not have individuals websites. Membership and schedule can be found on the Senate Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“25. There is created a joint committee of the Legislature to be known as the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee. The committee shall consist of 10 members, five members of the Senate appointed by the President and five members of the General Assembly appointed by the Speaker. A member may be removed from the committee at any time by the appointing officer. The joint committee shall choose a chairman and a vice chairman from among its members.
“26. The committee may adopt rules for its own operation and the conduct of its business, provided the rules are not inconsistent with these joint rules or P.L. 1981, c. 27 (C. 52:14B 4.1 et seq.).
“27. The chairman shall cause six days’ notice of the time, place and agenda of each committee meeting to be given to the members of the Legislature and the public. No matter shall be considered at a committee meeting unless it is listed on the agenda for the meeting and required notice has been given for it, except upon special order by the President and the Speaker.
“28. Meetings of the committee at which official action is to be taken shall be open to the public. The committee may convene in closed or executive session, upon the majority vote of its authorized membership at an open meeting, for the purpose of discussing any matter before the committee or for meeting with or taking the testimony of any person, but all matters shall be fully discussed and considered and all official actions shall be taken in public session.
“29. The committee shall have the powers and duties prescribed in P.L. 1981, c. 27. The committee, by a majority vote of its authorized membership, may report its recommendation for suspension of a rule to the President and the Speaker, who may refer the report to a standing reference committee or the House” (Joint Rules of the Senate and General Assembly, E-25 – 29).