- Lawmakers take on election reform, appointment process (WyoFile, 10/18/2022)
- The Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee addressed various election reform topics, including electronic voting machines, ranked-choice voting, primary reform, elected-office vacancies, campaign finance, and the election-oversight authorities of the secretary of state. The committee voted to sponsor six measures, including bills to codify the certification process for electronic voting equipment, allow ranked-choice voting in non-partisan municipal races, and refine the process for filling elected-office vacancies. Additionally, the committee considered bills to clarify public scrutiny of post-election information and a resolution urging Congress to limit corporate campaign contributions. Public testimony revealed mistrust in Wyoming’s election system, with some residents questioning the accuracy of past elections and alleging instances of fraud, but the committee noted that audits of the 2020 election indicated 100% accuracy throughout the state.
- With Gaming Now A $1 Billion Wyoming Industry, Does It Need More Oversight? (Cowboy State Daily, 5/7/2024)
- Gaming in Wyoming has rapidly expanded into a billion-dollar industry, encompassing skill-based games, parimutuel gambling, live horse racing, and sports betting. The Wyoming Gaming Commission is set to undertake a Gaming Expansion Study to assess the industry’s growth, potential oversight needs, and the economic and social impacts of further expansion. The study contract is expected to be awarded by late June, with completion by September 1, followed by the development of new rules by the Gaming Commission. The Legislature’s Joint Appropriations Committee expressed concerns about the nature of the study at a recent meeting, suggesting it might be ignoring crucial factors.
Oversight in the News
Updated on July 18, 2024
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- levincenter@wayne.edu
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