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Clerk Workshops
We offer an annual two-hour training session for congressional clerks to strengthen their ability to provide administrative support for oversight investigations.

We offer a bipartisan, bicameral, two-hour workshop for committee and subcommittee clerks who provide administrative support for oversight investigations and hearings. The annual session, usually in the first quarter of the year, is open to Democratic, Republican, and nonpartisan administrative personnel from U.S. House and Senate committees and subcommittees.
Interested in attending a clerk workshop?
Workshops are held yearly in the first quarter of the year – to be added to the invitation list, please email levincenter@wayne.edu.

Meet our bipartisan roster of clerk workshop instructors
Meet our clerk training instructors
Clerk Oversight Workshop Materials
Materials used at the clerk workshops differ over time. The following information is a representative example.
Committee Clerks Areas of Responsibility
Committee Clerks Areas of Responsibility
Why Clerks Need to Approach Oversight Investigations Differently
Why Clerks Need to Approach Oversight Investigations Differently
Tip Sheet for Committee Clerks Handling Oversight Investigations
Tip Sheet for Committee Clerks Handling Oversight Investigations
Sample Hearing Record Table of Contents
Sample Hearing Record Table of Contents
Oversight During COVID
Oversight During COVID
Additional Oversight Materials
Additional Oversight Materials
Modernization Committee Recommendations
Modernization Committee Recommendations
New House eDiscovery Software
New House eDiscovery Software
Additional Clerk Workshop Information
Clerk Oversight Workshop No. 1
- Jan. 18, 2019
- Instructors: Elise Bean, Michael Baker, Sharon Davis, Mary Robertson, with introduction by Jen Barblan
- Workshop participants: 40
- Location: House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing room, 2123 Rayburn
Clerk Oversight Workshop No. 2
- Jan. 10, 2020
- Instructors: Elise Bean, Laura Kilbride, Laura Rush
- Workshop participants: 17
- Location: Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee hearing room, 342 Dirksen
Clerk Oversight Workshop No. 3
- Feb. 5, 2021
- Instructors: Elise Bean, Laura Kilbride, Kiley Bidelman
- Workshop participants: 13
- Online using Zoom platform
Clerk Oversight Workshop No. 4
- Jan. 21, 2022
- Instructors: Elise Bean, Laura Kilbride, Amy Stratton
- Workshop participants: 17
- Online using Zoom platform
Clerk Oversight Workshop No. 5
- Mar. 25, 2024
- Instructors: Laura Kilbride, Dana Sandman, Elise Bean, Betsy Hawkings
- Workshop participants: 25
- Location: Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee hearing room, 342 Dirksen