House Committee on Children and Family Law #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Children and Family Law to consider matters relating to children and youth, their rights, obligations, and protection, including all matters covered by RSA 169-B, 169-C, and 169-D, divorce, custody and child support; the application of criminal laws and sentencing to children and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(a)).
House Committee on Commerce and Consumer Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Commerce and Consumer Affairs to consider all matters pertaining to commerce, banks and banking institutions; insurance companies and contracts or insurance of any character; the licensing of businesses to sell liquor; the needs of the business community; all matters relating to consumer affairs and the economic conditions of commerce and industry; all matters relating to the economic development of the state, and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(b)).
House Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety to consider all matters relating to the criminal code; criminal justice, the Department of Corrections, sentencing, drug enforcement, bail, probation, parole, corrections facilities, DWI, domestic violence, firearms, fireworks, police and fire training, victims’ assistance and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(c)).
House Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Education to consider subjects relating to the regulation of school districts and schools; the postsecondary college system; the University System of New Hampshire; matters concerning education; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(d)).
House Committee on Election Law #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Election Law to consider all matters relating to the election laws of the state, including campaign finance, the Ballot Law Commission, redistricting, and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(e)).
House Committee on Environment and Agriculture #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture to consider all matters concerning agricultural and farm problems of the state, physical land use including current use, the various agricultural organizations, the protection of the state’s environment from forms of pollution other than air or water pollution, waste management issues, and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(f)).
House Committee on Executive Departments and Administration #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Executive Departments and Administration to consider matters pertaining to the general administration of state laws and changes therein; matters of policy pertaining to the executive departments; matters relating to the New Hampshire Retirement System; matters pertaining to the administration of professional licensing; review of performance audits, and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(g)).
House Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources to consider all matters concerning conservation, improvement and preservation of fish, game and non-game species and marine resources within the state; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(i)).
House Committee on Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs to consider all matters concerning the health of the inhabitants of the state; vital statistics; medical and related professions; the administration of welfare activities by the state government; matters relating to the special needs of our elderly citizens and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(j)).
House Committee on Judiciary #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Judiciary to consider all matters relating to the judicial system, right-to-know law, guardianships, life and death (such as abortion or assisted death), landlord/tenant rights, civil proceedings, tort law, forfeiture, immunity, and probate; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(k)).
House Committee on Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitative Services #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services to consider all matters relating to labor, wages, and workers’ compensation including unemployment compensation and incentive programs, collective bargaining and binding arbitration; matters relating to job retraining and employee rehabilitative services and other matters relating to balancing the rights of employees to the needs of the industrial sector; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(l)).
House Committee on Legislative Administration #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Legislative Administration to consider all matters pertaining to the legislative process including mileage, elections, the journal, house resolutions and screening; enrolling bills; creation of statutory and chapter study committees and like entities which address the legislature and its procedures; and such other matters relating to legislative administration as may be referred to the committee. Any matter referred by the chairman to any subcommittee may be reported by that subcommittee directly to the House unless otherwise ordered by the chairman” (House Rule 31(m)).
House Committee on Municipal and County Government #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Municipal and County Government to consider all matters pertaining to town, city and county officers; changes in municipal and county government; the boundary lines of towns, cities and counties; the creation of new towns, cities and counties; local revenue, including fees, property taxes and exemptions; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(n)).
House Committee on Public Works and Highways #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Public Works and Highways to consider all matters pertaining to the development and repair of public highways; the Highway Fund; the Turnpike Fund; buildings and capital construction; the capital budget; matters pertaining to state bonding authority; capital expenditures related to the improvement and preservation of the coastline; the care of state memorials and monuments; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(o)).
House Committee on Resources, Recreation, and Development #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Resources, Recreation and Development to consider all matters relating to natural resources, water pollution and control; parks and recreational areas; recreational industries; matters concerning state controls on property development; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(p)).
House Committee on Rules #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Rules to consider all matters pertaining to House procedural rules and deadlines; and to recommend rules of proper debate” (House Rule 31(q)).
House Committee on Science, Technology, and Energy #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Science, Technology and Energy to consider all matters pertaining to energy, telecommunications, air pollution, the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission, the application of technological advances to the legislative process and the operation of state government, to coordinate the flow of information about technical and scientific matters to state and federal agencies and legislative committees, to monitor legislation referred to other committees in order to make suggestions for inclusion of technological improvements where warranted, and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(r)).
House Committee on State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs to consider all matters pertaining to the National Guard and other military or veterans’ organizations within the state, potential actions by the U.S. Congress which will have a major impact on the state and the New England region, and all proposed resolutions petitioning the Congress on any matter; to maintain communication with the congressional delegation; to serve as a liaison between the New Hampshire House and the United States Congress; emergency management; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(s)).
House Committee on Transportation #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Transportation to consider all matters pertaining to development, operation and regulation of all means of air, land and water transportation, except for the capital improvement and repair of public highways; the motor vehicle code; and such other matters as may be referred to it” (House Rule 31(t)).
Senate Committee on Capital Budget #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on on Commerce #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Election Law and Municipal Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Executive Departments and Administration #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Health and Human Services #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Judiciary #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Rules and Enrolled Bills #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Senate Committee on Transportation #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, meeting audio, and written testimony available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.