Interim Legislative Council #
Website #
Membership and meeting agendas available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“Sec. 5. (a) The council may do any of the following:
- “(1) On its own initiative or at the direction of the general assembly or of the senate or house of representatives, study subjects of interest and concern, and based on such a study, recommend such legislation as the welfare of the state may require.
- “(2) Direct standing committees of the senate or house of representatives, or appoint committees and subcommittees subject to the authority of the council, to carry out studies on subjects of interest and concern.
- “(3) Recommend such codification and general revision of the constitution and the laws of the state as may from time to time be necessary.
- “(4) Require any officer or agency, board, commission, committee or other instrumentality of the state or of a political subdivision of the state to provide information bearing on subjects under consideration by the council or by standing committee or any of its committees or subcommittees.” (IN Code § 2-5-1.1-5 (2022)).