Type of Legislature Wisconsin has a full-time, bicameral legislature. Assembly: 99 members | 2-year terms Senate: 33 members | 4-year…
Committee Oversight Authority
Assembly Rules “Assembly standing committees have the authority to investigate any subject matter customarily within the jurisdiction of the committee.…
Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Assembly Committee on Government Oversight, Accountability, and Transparency Website Membership, committee items, and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction Requested…
Non-Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Joint Legislative Council Website Membership, committee items, and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "[T]he Joint Legislative Council's primary responsibility…
Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority
Assembly Committee on Agriculture Website Membership, items in/out of committee, upcoming meetings, and hearing notices available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction Requested…
Fiscal Committees
Assembly Committee on Ways and Means Website Membership and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on…
Oversight Partners
Legislative Audit Bureau Website Mission Statement "The Legislative Audit Bureau supports the Legislature in its oversight of Wisconsin government and…
Fiscal Data
Department of Administration Budget, annual reports, grant information, local government budgets, and more available on website OpenBook Wisconsin Searchable data…
Oversight in the News
After years of conspiracism, Assembly elections committee finds new spirit of bipartisanship (Wisconsin Examiner, 6/6/2023) The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on…