• Legislature

    Type of Legislature Wisconsin has a full-time, bicameral legislature. Assembly: 99 members | 2-year terms Senate: 33 members | 4-year…

  • Committee Oversight Authority

    Assembly Rules “Assembly standing committees have the authority to investigate any subject matter customarily within the jurisdiction of the committee.…

  • Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Assembly Committee on Government Oversight, Accountability, and Transparency Website Membership, committee items, and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction Requested…

  • Non-Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Joint Legislative Council Website Membership, committee items, and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "[T]he Joint Legislative Council's primary responsibility…

  • Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority

    Assembly Committee on Agriculture Website Membership, items in/out of committee, upcoming meetings, and hearing notices available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction Requested…

  • Fiscal Committees

    Assembly Committee on Ways and Means Website Membership and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on…

  • Oversight Partners

    Legislative Audit Bureau Website Mission Statement "The Legislative Audit Bureau supports the Legislature in its oversight of Wisconsin government and…

  • Fiscal Data

    Department of Administration Budget, annual reports, grant information, local government budgets, and more available on website OpenBook Wisconsin Searchable data…

  • Oversight in the News

    After years of conspiracism, Assembly elections committee finds new spirit of bipartisanship (Wisconsin Examiner, 6/6/2023) The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on…