Type of Legislature Arizona has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 60 members | 2-year terms Term limit: 8…
Committee Oversight Authority
"Issuance and service of legislative subpoena "A subpoena may be issued by the presiding officer of either house or the…
Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Senate Director Nominations Committee Committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on…
Non-Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Administration Rules Oversight Committee Website Membership available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "To review any proposed or final rule, summary rule, agency…
Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority
House Commerce Committee Committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Committee…
Fiscal Committees
House Appropriations Committee Standing committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on…
Oversight Partners
Office of the Auditor General Website Mission Statement "We are independent and provide impartial information, impactful recommendations, and stakeholder education…
Fiscal Data
Arizona Financial Transparency Portal Interactive data including revenues and expenditures, organized by city, county, department, etc., available on website Data…
Oversight in the News
Audit of Arizona MVD finds public safety, consumer issues (Arizona Daily Star, 8/26/2023) A recent report reveals that private companies authorized…